Saturday, October 9, 2010

Failing at life seems to be a predecessor into my future

I suck at keeping promises on the most of simple things like promising on blogs that I will blog on my blog in turn, im seeing my future being nothing but broken promises. (Me being dramatic)

But in all seriousness, I am sorry I haven't stayed true to my blogging promises to all those of you who do still read and/or keep up with my life (boring as it may be) and I mean that truly.
Especially you Kaitlin and Wade, for even commenting on this haha, I'm very glad you two are even reading this, as strange as it may be.

So my celibacy is still going on, I haven't had any sex in about a month now, which is bueno cause it means I am staying true to what I promised myself. (Good Brendo...good)
This blog has been running through my head though of what I should do more in it.
(Vidya Games, discussion on world politics, BP leaks, being socially unacceptable, or stay with me on this one, music discussion!)
Those Ideas...not so good, so I am sticking with the randomness that is my mind, whatever comes to it shall be posted upon this web blog.

I know many of you first time readers, or even long time readers (cause i've been on here so long, there must be some long time readers...not) are wondering what the deal is with the parentheses.
Well I shall tell you right now...its my inner thoughts that I come up with after writing a sentence.
My inner thoughts tend to be...sarcastic, not helpful, self loathing, or aware of being awesome. (everyone needs to have a self aware thought process...)
So thats what those are for, I like to have a little voice in my blog to make it more...brendo-esque.

So currently right now, I am up at 1 in the morning, discussing with Logan and Seth what we should do for a website type thing that will get us millions of dollars...or just have fun doing. (We just saw the social network, and became inspired.)
We are bringing up a lot of ideas, some of which seem legit, others seem....really really terrible.
But we have energy drinks, and lots of ideas, and working computers...time to put this into action!

As long as I have your attention (still I hope) I would like to pass on some words of wisdom to you, I dont understand how people could hate the social network, it was quite the brilliant movie.
In my opinion anyways.
Ahh...but I digress...that was not a long statement to digress from, but whatever, its late, im tired, and stumbleupon is distracting me waaaay too much.
So I bid you all a farewell, and shall be back for much more blogging soon.
Untill then....FOR SCIENCE!!!

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