Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Everything falls to earth like a tetris block to the grid.

What I mean is eventually everyone is gonna have to realize they live in a shared world, but they control where they end up, its not just random events, its working towards the goal you want. (just a random thought...what can ya do?)
So today was kinda interesting, it started out pretty normal.
I woke up around 12:30 and went out to see if my computer was working. (Sadly I have ran into a bit of a snag with my new compy)
Its been running this error from my motherboard where it restarts the system whenever I start to play a game. So I have to send in my brand effing new motherboard and get another new motherboard. (Hopefully one that will work and overclock)
So after all of that, I was just sitting around watching Death Note (fantastic anime) and then I got the random instinct to do the dishes, WOOO!!
So I spent about 30 minutes working on the dishes, which was good, cause It got my mind off of whatever its been thinking for the past couple of days. (My mind has been throwing a stupid reoccuring nightmare my way, the likes of which I really don't like.)
Sleep really hasn't been an option for me.

After dishes, I decided to start up some laundry, which was good cause my sheets and pillowcases needed a good washing. (mmmm warm blankets)
And I got a load of just some clothes in, and so I have some clean clothes, a sweater, and clean working clothes thank god! (cause walmart is soooo clean) (sarcasm)
And then later that night (about 2 or 3 hours ago) I decided, "Hey! I need to make a resume for the GameStop interview tomorrow!"
And so, Kick Ass Resume was born! (Logan helped me out cause I was...a little under the bar)
So I printed that out, figured out what I will wear for the interview. (Casual, long sleeve silver shirt, maybe a tie, some kick ass pants, and shaved face)
I will get that job=D

As for being on a certain social connection website...well interesting things happened:

Brenden Maxwell Pyper ‎"Close your eyes and I'll kiss you, tomorrow I'll miss you. Remember I'll always be true. And then while I'm away, I'll write home everyday, and I'll send all my lovin' to you."
10 hours ago
  • Nikki-Nicole Margaret Rae Darby likes this.
    • Samula May amazing sooong! (: dude, we need to hangout. like f'real.
      10 hours ago 
    • Brenden Maxwell Pyper I know! :)\n-Imagine-
      10 hours ago
    • Samula May hit me the eff up. lets go get chia tea or something. hah.
      10 hours ago
    • Zack Hesse i think you are gay brendo
      9 hours ago
    • Seth Kohler I agree with Zack^
      8 hours ago
    • Brenden Maxwell Pyper Eh you know, it happens.\n-Imagine-
      8 hours ago
    • Brenden Maxwell Pyper Hey douche-fuck, get off my facebook page, and go stalk that 13 year old girl's page, I've often heard thats what tools like you do.< response to bobby's firs comment. "I agree with you Zack, and I don't even know the guy."
      3 hours ago
    • Bobby Krizan haha. that was a pretty sad response my friend.
      3 hours ago
    • Brenden Maxwell Pyper 
      Don't you have anything better to do then to call people you don't even know, gay? I have actually two siblings who are gay, and I find them more intellectual, more down to earth, and better than people like you who have to prove their masculinity by picking on others that you never met or had the pleasure to talk to and get to know better. So on some grounds, you feel that you have to prove that you are the "Dominant" of the male race by belittling someone who seems weaker and more fragile than you. So yes, in a way, that last message was a sad response, I should not have taken a statement such as "douche-fuck" or "tool" and used it against you, lowering myself down to your level, in fact, just responding to this message instead of just ignoring or deleting your sad, petty, and homophobic remarks against my own personal status on a social network, is pretty childish and lowering myself already. Bobby, let me just tell you this one statement, I have family and friends, all who will always stick up for me no matter what, I don't seek approval from anyone other than my mother, my brother, and my two sisters. So I can rest at night, knowing that no matter what happens to me, I won't ever have to degrade myself by calling others "gay" or "homo" or even "fag" because I don't judge anyone by anything, especially not a status on Facebook.

      No offense to you, just I don't tend to discriminate others. And even doing so on the internet...just terribly degrading for you.
      Have a good run Bobby, I'm sure your life will take you in the direction you truly deserve. Whether that is a good direction or a bad one, that isn't one for me to decide or judge.
      3 hours ago
    • Braden Hommel Bobby got owned..ha
      3 hours ago
    • Jacy Olmos Awesome.
      3 hours ago
    • Chris Wright Brenden...that was the coolest thing I've see all day. I officially owe you some of my best Marry Jane.
      3 hours ago
    • Deanna Driss I loveee brenden pyper(:
      3 hours ago 

So as you can see, some random guy named "Bobby" called me gay, and yes, two others did, but thats just how they are.

No one discriminates against anyone they don't know like that, let alone using derrogatory forms of abusive words, which is why I apologized for using the terms "douche-fuck" and "tool" because that just lowered me.
That was something that happened to me on facebook today, and it was stupid.
About 45 minutes later, I got this message from bobby:
Between You and Bobby Krizan
Bobby Krizan October 13 at 7:21pm Report
I'm not adding you for some stupid reason. More so out of respect

Not that I care about winning or anything (but this was a pretty proud moment of mine haha)
So thats pretty much my day in the form of several paragraphs...not sure when my next blog will be seeing as how I am needing to wait for another motherboard after sending my old one in tomorrow, so I will try updating you on the details using brittan's computer.
Till then, good night, good luck, and FOR SCIENCE!!!!

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