Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's What Makes "Me," Into Me.

The subtraction of the "" makes it into me.
Thought I was gonna say something motivating didn't you?
Well I wasn't, did you think this blog was here to make you happy? To...entertain you of sorts?
It's not, its here for my own amusement and entertainment.
But not really, I'm here for you guys.
Now feel special.
3.....2......1......ok your done, time to get down to business.

Remember that night when Logan, Seth, and I were making an internet website that would change the generation of interwebz?
Wellll....that didnt really get anywhere...at all really. (l did come up with a pretty awesome idea though, not gonna lie)
So we stayed up till around 4 in the morning, drinking energy drinks (I had 4) talking about what to make for a website, while stumbling.
It was indeed some great fun, but I think we weren't really going to be able to do that website thing.

But anyhow,
Hello dear blogger/passerby.
How is your day going? Mine is pretty awesome.
Last night, I totally built this computer I am using to blog on=]
Ok so...Logan helped a bit. (He pretty much did mostly everything)
Hey but I plugged in some things! So...bleh.
Anyways, new computer, its shiny, and big, and fast, and I love it=]
But, a fair silence for my mac is needed, I had that thing with me through college and it was there when I needed it.

Ok we are back!
So I realized, while I was stumbling around yesterday, that I am quite thrilled with how my life is about to end up. (If you haven't realized by now, I stumble aloooooot!)
But you may be asking yourself, "Brenden...how is your life going good so far? We only know about your cella-be and your random happenings at Walmart. And don't you hate Walmart? Cause if that is true, then I don't see how your life could be getting any better any time soon."
Well first off, Shut up! You don't know who I am, you don't know me!
Secondly, I'm about to quit Walmart (hopefully) and get a job at Gamestop (hopefully) because my interview for that job is on the 14th of this month! And I am super excited, I'm going to get all fancy dressed, type out a resume, and show up everyone who is there! (Hopefully)
But I figure this much, if I can get a job at Gamestop, then I won't be having as random hours as I do now at Walmart, Thus enabling me to studying about 2D animation, 3D animation, art, and drawing pad art, thus allowing me to finally get something started that will give me a pay for the rest of my life, and hopefully allow me to move out of pinetop/showlow, and end up in my final destination, Toronto Canada!
Some of you may ask why canada.
Well....because, It's beautiful up there, and I am almost pretty sure that is where I belong.
So yeah, Canada, here I come=]

Another thing that is better is just life hasn't really thrown any curves at me lately...its kinda just been the same thing.
No girls to try and stop my celibacy from happening, no angry people at Walmart besides the occasional grumpy people, and best of all, no problems in the house.
Now some of you may also be wondering about the Girls thing.
Well Jessica and I...split up a while ago because of a few factors.
1. She is 16.
2. I almost got in trouble with her parents.
3. Repeat number two, but add the potential calling of the cops on Brendo, who did nothing wrong.
4. She is 16.

Now don't you worry, I did nothing with her.
I stayed true to my cella-be, and I am still going strong.
Then after a while, I went out with Logan, Seth, and Cassy!
We saw The Social Network (which, reiterating my last post, fantastic movie!)
And I decided to work up the courage to ask Cassy out on a date.
Sadly, Brendo's little charm didn't work this time, I alas, am too young for her.
Which is ok!
No one needs to be like "Awe brendo, shes a jerk!"
No, she most certainly is not, we are still friends, and still gonna paint me up as a zombie for Halloween!
So none of this made anything awkward between us, I can still joke around with her, as can she with me.
So life is still good!

One last thing I would love to discuss with all of the video game nerds out there.
Beholdeth! In all its glory...MINECRAFT!
Minecraft...I don't know how many of you have played this game...but its severely addicting, and for no apparent reason!
It just is!
For those of you who have never played this or heard of it, its a game of mining, building, and crafting...oh and destroying.
You are this little pixel dude in a little pixel world (that can generate itself up to 3 times the size of planet earth) with little pixel cows, sheep, pigs, and chickens and you run around with picks and such mining for iron and everything else like gold and diamond and red stuff. But the thing is, you can pretty much make anything you want since its like using a giant lego set!
You place a block here or there, one or two more, then sooner than you think, your building a giant sky castle, or spaceship, or a mural depicting Mario from his 8-bit days!
Its just so grand!
However, there are obstacles that you must face.
These obstacles are: Lava, Zombies, Skeletons shooting arrows, Spiders, falling blocks o' doom, and last but not least...the most annoying creature out there, the creepers!
Creepers are green four legged creatures with horrifically sad faces.
The reason they are so annoying is because you will be building your epic sky fortress or anything, and all of a sudden you will hear a faint "tsssssss" sound.
Then BOOOM! All of your hard work, blown to smithereens! Oh, and on top of that, your dead.
That may seem like a game killer, but these guys are really easy to outmaneuver in the right landscape.
So you really should try this game, its like a mix between legos and video games, the perfect thing ever made!
Even the graphics are horrible, but it is meant to be horrible, it makes gameplay so much better!
So try it out=]
It's ridiculously fun, and there is a free trial at minecraft.net.
All you really get to do on that is build, there is no adventure part on it, but still, try it out=]
Untill then my dear blogger/passerby....FOR SCIENCE!!!!

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