Sunday, October 31, 2010

I've backed myself between a hard place and a pillow!

You're probably asking yourself what this means.
You know the saying, "In between a rock and a hard place," well that just means that you're stuck between two really bad scenarios.
Seeing as how I feel quite optimistic today, I see myself as being faced with two different scenarios, a good one, and a bad one. Which one do you think I'm gonna choose?
The good scenario is already being fulfilled at the moment, I'm leaving Walmart (just had my "sort of" last day today, and I am now away from that horrible terrible job of doom!) and going to GameStop, which is (for all I know) progressively better than Walmart.
However the bad thing is, I am dropping from 9 dollars an hour to....*deep breath* 7.50....sad I know.
But it will be so much better when I show them how awesome of an employee I am, and I will get a raise before I know it=D

On to other news!
It is the night before Halloween, Saturday, and I am doing nothing except for sitting at my house...blogging....about how I am just sitting at my house on a Saturday night! How excruciatingly exciting right?!
Oh did I also mention that last night I went and saw Paranormal Activity 2 with my best friend Kaitlin?!
I didn't tell you....thats weird, cause I made a mental note to tell you guys that I saw it....have you ever had one of those moments where you were gonna tell someone about something, but you never got around to it, but you thought you already told them thus causing a sort of fake deja vu?
Well anyways, back to my original story, last night, my dearest best friend Kaitlin came into town and we decided to have an awesome friend date! Filled with ridiculously creamy french vanilla hot chocolate latte stuff and Paranormal Activity 2 (bad idea if anyone remembers how scared I was of the first one) (I thought it was real)
So we get ourselves some awesome (not really) coffee from maverick, and it was the creamiest coffee ever! I mean holy crap!
Then we I start to call up the theater to see times for "Let Me In" (the remake of an amazing russain movie "let me in") but they kept giving me the wrong times! So frustrating haha.
We then drive to the theater only to decide to go see...dun dun duhhhh!!! PA 2!
It starts at 9 45, and its only about 9 by now, so off to the house to converse with my roomates!
That was pretty fun, Nester and LoLo were playing Sims 3 and I was watching them and we were all laughing and joking and what have you.
Then 9 45 came around, movie time!
We get into the theater to see the last of the Saw 3D trailer (another movie I must see) and the movie starts.
*Ahem* let me say this to you all, the first paranormal activity, I thought was real events, and it scared me to death...I couldn't sleep for literally 3 was bad haha.
So we are watching the movie and by the end, I think both of us were shaking, and I was backed up all the way on my seat with my knees up to my bad haha.
I then drive Kaitlin back to her car, and we say our goodbyes.

Off to the house!
Where...everyone is drunk haha.
I come in the house, Ness and Brit are on the computers, and Logan and Sam (Brit's friend) playing magic.
Logan looks up and before I could utter a "H-" Logan screams "SHOTS!"
Haha, great great way to be welcomed in to my house.
So what do I do....haha shots.
Only a couple inside a drink, and I didn't get that wasted, just a wee bit buzzed.
Logan and I started playing Counter Strike drunk, and
Once all of this was done, my computer yet again crashes with the "HyperTransport flood sync error" ugh...(Im about to punch baby orphan puppies with kittens, thats how angry I was haha)
So after all of this we conclude, New motherboard! We are gonna test it out with this...hopefully it will work.

I don't really have much else to blog about other than all of that, so sorry for the shorter blog, but I really am stumped haha.
So goodnight all passerbys and bloggers, and untill next time remember:

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