Wednesday, October 20, 2010

List of..."Things"

So I still do not have my motherboard back, HOWEVER (I feel it necessary to occasionally add the caps locked "however," it adds meaning) the new motherboard is on truck for delivery, so I should get it back tonight around 6:30, which is thirty effing minutes before I have to go to work....stupid UPS.

Until the time of my new computer piece arriving, I will entertain myself (as well as some of you) by posting:


(or shorter)

So here we go:
(First off, this list is just a bunch of things I feel the need to have in a girlfriend so that her and I have either common ground, or just makes her that much more perfect for me, this is all my own opinions, so please do not slander this with filth saying "Oh brenden, your not gonna find that, that is stupid, you might as well just never date again." So yeah, stay at a professional level while reading this, thank you)

A girl who would be perfect for me:
Does not find it necessary to ALWAYS be dressed up, and will on occasion just spend the day in her pajamas with me.
Will always find humor in things that are possibly not funny to anyone else.
Has a sense of humor that either is close to mine, or greater than mine.
Will watch cartoons with me, even if we are older than the demographic the show is trying to reach.
Doesn't mind the fact that I will always watch, and laugh continuously at any given Family Guy moment.
Doesn't mind that I fanatically watch Family Guy almost daily.
Has a sense of art, and has her own opinion of what is beautiful.
Wont force her opinions on anyone, and who will go with the flow unless that flow is turning out to be something horrifically wrong.
Wont try to change anything about me, as I wont try to change the slightest thing about her.
Is a huge cuddler.
Will watch not only meteor showers with me, but lightning strikes, rain, and listen to thunder with me.
Wants kids SOMEDAY, not immediately, and at least when we are 24 or older.
Loves to listen to any kind of music, and is open for new sounds/will share her songs with me.
Will love to go out to a fancy restaurant every once in a while, but greatly appreciates home cooked meals, and sitting down talking/listening to music/watching cheesy movies with each other.
Watches Anime, and likes it not just because I like it, but because she is a genuine fan of it.
Will watch all of the crappy horror movies I love to watch because she loves the bonding time we have, and the jumpy parts that get us closer to each other.
Feels safe knowing that I am always there, even when I'm not there physically.
Loves my family as much as I do because they are a part of me.
Doesn't mind that some days I get too overwhelmed and need help sometimes.
Wont mind telling me her problems because she knows I will do everything I can to make it better.
Thinks about me, but at the same time, has other things on her mind.
Knows what she wants, but not exactly what she wants.
Has her days where she feels like crying.
Knows that on those days, I have both a shoulder and chest for her to cry on.
Knows that I will always be there to comfort her in her time of need, and give her space if she needs it.
Has and understanding that no one is perfect, but there are things that make people perfect in their own way.
(again, this is just SOME opinions of mine, and its not necessary that you have all these factors, just some would be nice, cause no one is perfect, and I understand that.)

So thats my blog for the day...sorry its not a huuuge list or anything, but everything else is kind of...well just stuff that I would need to see during the relationship, like the little things she does, but those aren't judging factors, those are just things I love to see=]

On one other note, Two days from now, I see if I get the job at gamestop! wooo!!! Im pretty excited, and I really think I got this job, but I dont want to be to over confident. Anywho!
Next blog I post, will be on my computer instead of Brittan's! Yay!
This may not mean anything to anyone, but I love having my own computer soooo...yeah=]
Untill the next day I release unto all of you the words of Brendo's mind....FOR SCIENCE!!!!


  1. Aw. You'd make a great boyfriend for her. Whoever she is, very lucky. (: you're a sweeeeeeet guy.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
