Sunday, September 19, 2010

The plot thickens...heh heh....thickens....heh (Celibate Day 15)

Ahhh...approaching day 15, my mind felt pretty much the same.
"Shit work"
"Shit its early"
"Shit..." (I think you get the point now)
I walked into work at 8 30 in the morning after falling asleep at (yet again) 1 in the morning, yippie!
To my jubilant entrance into Walmart, I was greeted by my boss, who sent me to my hell station for the day.
Register...number here. (I dont remember..why? should I have?)
I am just working my daily shift, counting down the hours, minutes, seconds until my first break.
First break approaches, I sit in my car and listen to Lydia.

"And so I woke up near the sea...I did Lydia"
(I effing love Lydia, by the way, to you readers who don't know me that well yet. I have everyone of their cd's and I cant stop listening to them. They are beautiful. They are awe inspiring. They are Lydia. Sadly the band split up, just barely finished their "Fair well" tour. I got a little emotional at the concert...cough cough....but they are in the works of releasing a last installment of beauty into the music world soon. In fact, I had to draw a little something on my hand, just because I was bored at work, and had Lydia stuck in my head.)<--picture to the left, to the left.
So back to my story, after break, I was sent to the worst of all places to work in Walhell...the greeters station. (Or as I like to put it, Satan's Hello)
After about an hour and a half of doing this crap of putting on a fake smile (and pretending I give a damn about why your returning your broken shit) I go back to a register for about...20 minutes.

Nothing happened, just lunch...and still thinking about my Celibacy.
At lunch, I dwindled for a while, went to (which rocks! be tee dub)
Then off to work I go for my last half of shift.

Whilst on my last four hours of work, I was moved from register to register to cover for other peoples breaks. (Woohoo for me being satans little helper!)
Then, out of no effing where!
This girl comes into my line! (comes into my effing line! and she is beautiful)
Now, this may not be a shocker to...well anyone right now, but here is the story.

After working at Walmart for a while (and after my dear mother leaves for Albuquerque) Im back on the job, working a register.
Out of the corner of my retinas, I see this girl, who happens upon looking at me AT THE SAME. DAMN. TIME. Coincidence? I think it is. (Its not)
She comes into my line.
We flirt.
We trade stares. (and currency for the 80 dollar book she wants to buy)
And we depart.
It never crossed my mind to get her number...because I fail at life.
So inside I was like, "Meh, whatever, I work at Walmart. She has to come back in some later week." (She doesn't)
Two months of no beautiful gal, coming into my line, getting a book, and flirting with me.

Shocking, beautiful gal, after 2 months of not seeing her, shows up IN MY EFFING LINE!!
We look at each other, immediately smile/smirk, and trade stares yet again.
So after I was done checking this one dudes groceries n such, I looked at her, and smiled again.
We talked for a bit, and then, smoothly I said, " you have a number by chance?"
"Why yes, yes I do."
"Write it on this, PIECE O RECEIPT PAPER!"
Totally worked.

So this girl...has me and my celibacy on a run.
So what do I choose dear reader/passerby/friend?
I am going to call her tomorrow afternoon, and see if she would like to hangout or have a little...get together.
Gonna go to Native New Yorker (its a pretty friendly appropriate date place...right? right.)
And then bring her to meet my roomies! haha so It should be an epic tale to tell the lads.
As for now, I am going to get going...maybe I shall post again later tonight on the happenings of Brendo.
But maybe not...FOR SCIENCE!!!

1 comment:

  1. *Waits patiently to hear the rest of the story....*

    NOT! BLOG IT UP, FOOL!!!! :D Just kidding. (:
