Thursday, September 23, 2010

Amnesia: The Dark Descent...or as I like to call it, "FUCK THIS GAME!"

Hello dear blogger/passerby,
Its me....Brenden....remember?
Sorry its been so long since my last post, I have been a bit preoccupied with the events that I posted about 3 days ago.
I am still well into my celibacy (sadly) because well...after I took that girl (Jessica) out on a date, we both decided that:
1. We should take things slow because both of us feel a connection towards each other, and thats great.
2. Both parties are quite intrigued as to why there is this awesome connection already and its only been a couple days.
3. She will be calling me B, I am calling her Jessie. (Haha, ooooo pet names. Now you know I am serious)

So in all this excitement about having someone in my life who is awesome to hang out with...I forgot to blog about my Cella-be. Last time it was day 15, so here, im going to recap what happened on days 16, 17, and 18. (so the 20th, 21st, and the 22nd)

ONTO DAY 16!!!
Nothing really exciting happened here...oh wait, I HAD AN EFFING DATE THIS DAY!!!
It started off, me waking up in the morning feeling "like P-diddy"(actually I felt groggy and out of it because I still wanted sleep..)
Then I remembered, "OH MY GOD I HAVE A GIRLS NUMBER!"
So what do I do?
Make here wait even longer (bwahahahaha)
So I do some laundry, take a shower, and then call her at 2.
No one picks up, which sucks, but I say "Ill try at 5 then"
Waited till 5, and called, then got an answer, from jessica=D (wewt)
Long story short, I asked her out on a date that night, she said yes.
I go to pick her up at her house (which is in Linden) and I greet her at her door, and soon enough, We are off.
I originally planned out an evening at Native New Yorker (Logan says that it was a good place to have a date, without it being completely a date date, so more like a "I wanna get to know you" date.)
But turns out, Jessie is a vegan. (WHO THE HELL SAW THIS COMING)
I usually bring vegan's home to my mother...
Anywho, so I ask what she would like to do, and instead of a nice date there (stay with me on this one please), We went to Shell Gas, got two coffees, and went up onto this culd-a-sack (No effing Idea how to spell this one) and we sat there and watched the stars and talked for a while.
Ultimately, we decided that we should go to my house and watch a movie.
I learn a lot about this girl in the short comings of about...2 hours, and she still wanted to talk after that while we were trying to watch the crazies.
I don't know if any of you know this, but when a movie is on the TV (and one I really like) its kinda hard for me to concentrate....baaaad thing, but whatever.
We are still talking about life and what we are wanting to do with it, and thus we came up on the thing, we will not have sex yet because we don't want to ruin anything.
Celibacy up and strong still.
So, Day 16:
Jessie, the undeniably hot vegan girl from Linden.
Oh and she is 17.

Sooooo....DAY 17:
Nothing...seriously, nothing happened today, I worked, came home at 6, called Jessie up and talked to her for a bit.
Oh and Logan and I made moist biscuits and chicken dumpling type stuff. (Be warned, baking frenzy details coming up.)
And before we started baking our moist biscuits, I had the brilliant idea of "HOLY EFF LETS MAKE SOME MUTHAEFFIN BROWNIES!"
So we did.
However, after making biscuits and chicken, we got the brownie mix out, I got all the ingredients we needed for regular brownie mix, and then we added pecans.
It started with just pecans, but we needed some more water, so Logan wondered if we could put Half and Half into our brownie mix.
And then he found a recipe for something to which we almost already made. We just needed:
2 extra eggs
5 tablespoons of butter
6 <insert measure amount that we did here> of cream cheese
and like 18 cups of different baking things.
So we made ourselves some cream cheese and pecan brownies.

DAY 18!!! Second date with Jessie!
So today was the second date with Jessie.
It started by me picking her up from school for lunch (hahaha...hahah...ha...hoooo) and then picking her up after school.
To which then I got the pleasure of meeting her friends.
Cassy was pretty cool, but the dude we picked up was...ummm...a juggalo.
NOW, for you who don't know about juggalos, they are kids so obsessed with ICP, that they feel the need to call themselves this name because its "cool"
And for most of you who don't know me, I have a slight....annoyance towards ICP and their "clown posse," in fact, if I could, I would go back in time to when ICP was just starting, and I would individually call each of their mothers and make them listen to the "mad lyrics they be spittin" and hope to god they get grounded for the rest of their natural lives. (Thus stopping the "Juggalo" movement.)
If this makes you mad, I am sorry, thats just my OPINION. Not forcing it upon you (yet) but I just don't think they are that good of musicians. But to each their own right?
He was pretty much a dick the whole time we were hanging out, and it sucked, but it was ok cause I was talking to Jessie pretty much the whole time.
Then I had to work at 7 30 to 12 at wallyworld...ugh.
That was about as eventful as a statue of a garden gnome watching grass grow as snails run up and down his glassy gnome-like body.

So there is your damn recap!
I will talk about day 19 later tonight maybe hopefully, sorry again for not being up to date with my blog, again, things got in the way...good things....stay tuned.

So, there is this game that came out recently called "Amnesia: The Dark Descent."
I read the synopsis of the game and thought to myself, "Hey this will be fun, it seems dark, scary, and smart."
*Ehem* let me say this first off....FUCK THAT GAME!
You jump into the game, and immediately it gives you a warning that you should be wearing headphones, have the lights off, and the darkness set to "pretty damn dark" (its so dark sometimes, that even when I brought out the lantern in the game, no light showed up still haha.)
So you start off, stumbling your way across a castle, trying to make yourself remember that you are "Daniel," a man who apparently by his voice, is a English man from the 80's or 70's.
He is an archeologist who found an orb in Egypt while uncovering ancient ruins.
After picking up said "orb," a deadly shadow kept following him, killing everyone he encountered. (Sounds like my ex girlfriend, HAHA *budum tsh*)
So this shadow thing...turns out to be the future trying to catch up with itself because the orb daniel found was some gate to another dimension and blah blah blah.
Not knowing that the shadow could hurt me, I run into the game with a sense of false security.
Running around, opening doors, laughing, throwing plants joyfully out windows and throwing brooms into fire pits.
Fun right? Wrong.
Immediately, shit starts getting real!
You hear scary noises, you run towards the noises, you find blood, and a note you wrote yourself saying you took a potion that caused you to have Amnesia. (So if your wanting to forget what was going on...why tell yourself to go and remember everything you forgotten just so you can remember why you wanted to forget the horror behind the shadow)
So after a while of seeing random creepy monster zombies walk past my screen, I was all like...S.O.B!
Long story short, if the random creepy monster zombie sees you....he starts chasing you like there is no effing tomorrow.
Oh by the way, your completely defenseless. (Thats right, no gun, no planks of wood, no makeshift zombie hunting doom rifle to your help...just a lantern, and wits..if you have any)
So I got smacked around by Zombie number one for about...19 hours.
Then im in a sewer, and notice..."Hey..where did Zombie guy go?"
Then heard a terrible dying sound.
Stumbled into a room where, "Hey look! Zombie numbe....oh god...." (Zombie number one will be missed)
After seeing the Zombie I thought was the strongest thing alive, torn in two by something other then me, my initial reaction was "Yay! No more zombies!!!!" to which the sound of metal tearing through more metal was coming my way.
"SHIT!!!" I hide in a corner, only to see that there is yet another Zombie!
Enter in Zombie #2, now, not as smart as number 1...but he did tear number 1 in half.
Zombie 2 has a giant blade for one arm, face torn out and ripped off, and in place of his face, three eyeballs and a couple teeth....yeah....
This scary as hell, and faster than anything on the living planet. (Or in the fucked up castle your in)
So another 18 hours of solving ridiculous puzzles that shouldn't have been invented in the first place, and getting chased around corners where Zombie 2 is waiting to make some Brendo/Daniel beef stroganoff, and finally I am nearing the end of the game!
However, I still have to get through this part, which consists of terrible things happening to me.
Zombie ambush.
Jailed by the Zombie Ambush.
Escaping Jail.
Running for my life so that a giant red bloody boil of a mess doesn't consume me.
And then decapitating a man with a bonesaw so that I can take his head into the other dimension. (Don't even ask)
So I beat the game, immediately uninstalled the game.
And swore it off for the rest of my life.

If anyone wants a more descriptive time of my horror with this game, go ahead and comment saying that. If 10 people want me to, I will post that as a blog, along with pictures from the game.

Till then, fare thee well traveler, and until next time...FOR SCIENCE!!!!!

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